Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For one night only, His Majesty’s Roller has ascended upon the game of skee…

Hailing from the ghetto streets of Manchester, England, His Majesty’s Roller shows no mercy. For those of you who don’t know HMR; let me paint a picture for you. He’s sort of like the Ben Kingsley of skee.

HMR didn’t have it easy. There were no summer skee-ball camps or Chuck E. Cheeses’ in jolly old England. But that didn’t stop HMR. He knew from the first moment he saw skee-ball played in the background of a scene in Pee-Wee Herman’s Big Adventure that skee-ball was his life’s calling. Because there were no skee-ball machines in England, HMR was forced to develop his skee skills by rolling well rounded rocks down a descending alley into Heinz Bean cans. The town of Manchester declared HMR “mad” and “Cack-handed” but he held tight to his dream of one-day skeeing in the big leagues. All that work and thick skin paid off because tonight, His Majesty’s Roller is going to roll for it all when he rolls with The Ball Busters. And we wouldn’t dare call him Cack-Handed!

1 comment:

His Majesty's Roller said...

For I, HMR, doth rejoice in representing such an esteemed throng of enlightened individuals. Never in mine countenance hath I ever been so clearly enthralled by such a merry battle of the brain and of the brawn...

And Capn' and valued team-mate, such kind words please one greatly.

But for such small qualities as God has endowed me with I render to his goodness my most humble thanks, intending with all my wit and diligence to get and acquire for myself such notable virtues and princely qualities as you have alleged to be incorporated in my person.


PS, I can also confirm that I am not in the least part,"cack-handed." That was a long time ago and I had an extremely upset stomach. OK?